Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday

We had a very Happy 2nd Birthday celebration for Owen, Lilly, and Grey. They enjoyed a bunch of presents, catering by Boston Market, and a good Elmo cake.

I will not bore you about all of Grey's ear infections, and Lilly's severe reaction to Amoxicillin that landed her in the ER, and Owen's seizure caused by a sudden high fever..... All caused by strep. (URGH!)
But we have had other eventful things this June.
We attended the Indianapolis Air Show. There was a "Balloon Glow" which was the most adventurous thing we have done with the triplets (yes they are two). We have not kept them out late, ever. We got them home about 10pm, and they were exhausted. We got some great pictures though.

We have made multiple trips to the zoo and one to the children's museum this summer. The kids increasingly enjoy these trips. It's so awesome to see them pick up on different things that they did not last year. Their interests continue to grow.

They got their two year pictures taken. Mom and I took them to Picture People in Castleton. The pictures turned out decent for what we had to work with. The kids were... let's just say.... not great. Although Owen posed like he was a model! One pose looks like his senior pictures.

They got cozy coupes for their birthday. They really enjoy those, along with their new sandbox, that I think they will soon learn to enjoy.

Last night I went to Fort Wayne for my cousin Kara's wedding. I had a great time. It was so nice to catch up with all of my friends and family. So many people I have not seen in such a long time. Makes me realize how much work Todd and I have put in to raising the kids these two years.... and not only that, but the pregnancy, and all that it brought as well.

Today we went to our friends the Myers triplets' house for their 2nd birthday party. They really enjoy playing with each other, and seeing other toys. Grey and Owen took turns kissing McKenzie. Leila went to bed early because she was too excited to nap before the party. Lilly enjoyed trying out their swing set, and Charlie played in their pool they had set up. I cannot even express what a great friend their mom Heather has been and continues to be to me. Love Her!

Here is what the kids are doing now.

Owen continues to be the biggest of the trio. He is the most sensitive. He takes it the hardest when he is told "no", or is reprimanded. He is the most passionate about things. Currently, he has several things he LOVES: Shoes (ones that light up, or red ones preferably), socks, balls, his cozy coupe truck, books, blueberries, matchbox cars, trucks, popsicles, MILK, (whole milk) Elmo, bubbles. He loves to go outside, and just run. Run up and down the sidewalk, yard, wherever you will let him. He still loves his silky blankets. He likes to slide, and climb. He does not like bugs, or Sesame Street characters such as "Harry" that is rather scary looking to a 2 yr. old that thinks he has a big "nose". Owen does not like eggs. Any consistency either. We will keep working on that. He had his 2 year checkup and is off the curve. That is above the 97% curve in both height and weight. We will be switching him to 1% milk. I fear he will not like this. We tried to switch him to skim, and he just started launching his cups. Dr. Riddell just said, Owen will be a big boy. He is proportionate for his weight and height. He is the pickiest eater. But, he obviously is getting the calories somehow, guessing it's the milk. He likes meat too.... and loves his fruit. Owen is very kind to his siblings, and at the same time can be very rough. He is the first to go get them their cups of milk if asked, or if they are crying, he is the first to go pat them. He follows commands very well, and knows exactly what you are talking about when you ask him to do things. He is talking more and more. The thing that makes me smile most about Owen is when he first sees you in the morning, or after work, he will run across the room and almost tackle you with a hug. That little big man is so sweet!

Lillian continues to be the talker of the trio. She is the kisser and hugger... and can be seen leaning in for a kiss, and tackling Grey for a hug frequently during the day. She loves to wash her hands, put socks on her hands, comb her hair, watch Elmo, bubbles, books, watermelon, musk melon, kiddie pool, bugs, talking, disrobing, rocking on any chair that will move, being nude, pot pies, popsicles, remote, music, dancing, any phone, I feel like I am forgetting many of them. She does like bugs. She likes to squat, wave "hi" to ants, pick them up, squash them and tell them "night night". It's quite funny. Dr. Riddell said she is in the 40-50% for wt and height. We will be switching her 1% milk as well. She really isn't a picky eater, but she is in the right range for where she should be so that was his recommendation. She is our sneaky little one. She is the one that will sit at the top of the drive way in her little cozy coupe car with her feet up, and roll down the drive way into the street as fast as she can. This is despite being told time and time again not to. This is the quickest way for her to lose her cozy coupe privileges, or for everyone to go inside. Although I don't think they quite understand those consequences, it's usually just about all you can handle to chase her into the street once, and she will do it again. Lilly isn't scared by much. She can be shy around strangers, but usually if they are "boys" she is usually pretty outgoing. Telling them and naming every body part she can point to. I'm going to have to keep an eye on that little girl.

Grey continues to strive to be the best he can possibly be each day. He is an amazing little guy, with the personality of a giant. He loves to give kisses, and hugs. The child has no fear, which isn't necessarily a quality that is desirable. Grey is the one that plays by himself the best. He likes to sit and nest cups, or sort things, put blocks together, or gather toys and put them in bags or boxes. He continues to say more words, and show more interest in saying more words. He likes his Elmo, dancing, balls, his cozy coupe, match box cars, loves ringing his doorbell in the playhouse, climbing... oh, his climbing, sliding, outdoor playhouse, hide and seek, peek a boo, books, pounding on the windows, drawing (with his left hand), push popper, running in the grass, throwing landscaping rocks, climbing up to sit on any chair, hiding in curtains, getting in cupboards, kissing mirrors, shoes, socks, sunglasses. He isn’t' really scared by much. That is scary in itself. He isn't a picky eater. He loves his condiments, Ranch dressing, and Ketchup namely. He likes to take off and run down the sidewalk without permission, and that will get the other two to follow as well. Dr. Riddell measured him in the less than 3%. We continue to work with a dietician. He is gaining weight, and growing appropriately, but he started out small. We will continue to work on it. He will continue to work on it. He has a very sweet personality. When he doesn't want to do something he will run, and hide his face, as if, you he can't see you, you can't see him. This little man smiles constantly, and continuously amazes us by doing things that 2 years ago we dreamed he would do. The will of Grey is very impressive at the very least.