Wow, so I guess my posting later that week really didn't happen. 1 month later... here we are.
A lot has gone on in the past month. Grey got his GJ tube. Well, he's had 3 of them. 2 of them he stayed in the hospital for, related to vomiting etc. This one has been in for a few weeks.... and I will not even say it's working, because I do not want to jinx myself (or him). They are all dealing with ear issues. Grey's is the worst. He has been back and forth to the doctor a few times this
month. He had some ugly drainag
e a few weeks ago, and is on his second round of antibiotics. We went today to see an ENT doc (Dr. Hackett is his name at Northside ENT... I worked with him in the CICU at St. V's when I was there, and he is a wonderful, wonderful doc. He has a great bedside manner, and his skills are excellent). Grey will get tubes in his ears on Friday. I think this will really help him. We have been unable to do therapy for some time, yet we still try to work with him at night. I know I keep saying it, but he is almost sitting up. He gets up on his hands and knees now, so perhaps he will crawl before he sits up... ;) He had a visit with Dr. Brei at Riley this week. Because Grey has a small head size for his age and weight, we decided to be proactive and get an MRI which was completed last Friday. Being true to my impatient self, I got the report today from St. V's medical records... because after all, I minored in neurology... (NOT). But, I needed to know. His MRI of his brain was completely normal. Even though that is what we expected, it was a sigh of relief. You never know what you might find when you go fishing for things. After all.. Grey, is Grey... and he is full of surprises. I think they will only be good ones from here on out. I cannot wait to get that little man's ears fixed so he can m
ove on from all of this! We have lots more to progress before his 1st bday!!! He still does not desire his glasses, but we need to work on it more. They do correct his alignment of his eyes when they are on, however keeping them on is the trick! Here Grey is at the ENT office, sitting in the exam chair... He's a stud! His eating is hit or miss. We are still working on it. Here is a good day though. As you see the advice to let him play in it from his occupational therapist is clearly because she doesn't have to clean him up! I had to take a double take on this one the first time I took it. There are a lot of Lillian characteristics on this picture. At first, I thought it was her!
month. He had some ugly drainag

Speaking of Lillian Kate.... She would really like to crawl. She really would. If only someone would hold her in the kneel
ing position and move her hands, she'd be in business. She loves to stand up at the activity table, but .. again, please hold her there or she will fall on her little noggin. She likes to show off her 2 bottom teeth! She too has an ear infection... but seems to be on the mend. Todd has taught her some gestures with her tongue, in which she acts like she is constantly licking her lips, and sticking her tongue out at you. She especially likes to do it to strangers. We went to Starbucks today with Brooke, and she did it to a good number of people. It's definitely a classy trait! She has turned into a calm little girl, although she does speak her mind, she eats and sleeps well. That is a big accomplishment in our book here! Her other tricks are shaking her head "NO" at anything you say, playing patty-cake, peak-a-boo, and eating Cheerios like they are going out of style!
Owen... oh, Owen. Owen is currently not sleeping well. He wakes anywhere between 2-5am, and is up for an hour or two. He is definitely teething, I think he has his molars coming in, and also his 4 top front teeth on top of that. He is crawling, and pulling himself up on anything he can find. He likes cords, remotes, cell phones, outlets, dogs, and many things he should not have. He enjoys standing up in his bed all hours of the night screaming for you to come in the nursery, and when you arrive, he greets you with a giggle and a sigh of relief. This however makes sleepy parents feel like jumping out the nursery windows.... I don't know really what we will do about it yet. If he is teething and in pain, I hate to let him cry it out. On the other hand, I feel like i
t has become a game... and I'm losing. Losing sleep, patients, and sanity! lol I can't say Todd is doing much better either! Owen will be graced with a new room this weekend (his own!!). Lillian would like to sleep through the night, and we would too would like Lilly to sleep through the night. I think this is all a phase. We are all ready for it to pass!!!
Please note the Gerber yogurt bite in his hair!
He loves finger food. He will be a good eater when we start full table food. Cheerios are among his favorite too. Although he is frustrating right now, he is such a clown. You can hear him giggling as he is speed crawling to the nearest door- stop so he can fling it back and forth to make as much noise as possible. The child is hilarious!
Please note the Gerber yogurt bite in his hair!
He loves finger food. He will be a good eater when we start full table food. Cheerios are among his favorite too. Although he is frustrating right now, he is such a clown. You can hear him giggling as he is speed crawling to the nearest door- stop so he can fling it back and forth to make as much noise as possible. The child is hilarious!
I did take all 3 to the March of Dimes walk in late April. Todd went golfing with a friend, and at the last minute, I just decided to load up, and see how it went. Becca was there in case of emergencies, but honestly we did really well. It is a lot of work getting all 3 around, packing for a few hours, loading them in the car seats, getting them into the stroller... etc, you get the point. I was exhausted along with them after the walk, but I am glad we did it. I need to continue to build my confidence when it comes to taking them all out by myself. It isn't an every day thing, that is for sure!!! But, it was nice to spend the day with them, and we did just fine all by ourselves. We all slept well that night, including Owen!
We are still planning their 1st bday party. Hoping to get all invites out this week. I'll add that to my laundry list of things to do. I actually will be traveling for work in about 3 weeks for a few days to Columbus Ohio. Honestly, I was dreading it, but it will be nice to get away, oh, and sleep... lol.
Above is a pic that we are putting on their invitation for the party.