About 2 years ago I was admitted to the hospital to be monitored for some minor pre-term labor and what turned out to be fairly aggressive pre-eclampsia. I remember very little about the hospital stay. I remember missing the dogs, missing my bed, and also missing being home. Todd would come every evening. We would have a nice romantic hospital dinner. I remember he kept telling me that the cafeteria at St. Vincent Women's Hospital was terrible compared to their patient meals. I could not see how that was true. However, with Grey there for 157 days, I quickly found out that he was sooooo right! I remember them pushing me to eat alot and wanting me to drink protein shakes 4x daily. I was "with it" enough to get online and see if that would worsen my urine protein that they were monitoring so closely. I made them have a dietitian come see me to make sure that I really had to drink those, and asked her to research to see if indeed all that protein would spill into my urine. It didn't. It didn't matter that much any way. My liver and kidney numbers started to climb and my reflexes started to get too active, my contractions got worse, and indeed I delivered Wednesday, June 16th at 30 weeks. I remember little of this day, and actually the days to follow.... I remember being so thankful for my family and husband because they kept track of me, and all 3 of our very small babies!
To think of those days makes my head spin.....and, as you will see, not much has changed with things that make my head spin.
This is our new playhouse/climber
This is us at the Zoo. They were checking out the best attraction there... Sparrows eating the TeddyGrahms that they had thrown them! :)
Grey continues to strive. He is walking, running, dancing, climbing; you name it, he is doing it. I think he is concentrating more and more on his fine motor skills, and will sit down at times to do the shape sorter, and a few pieces of a puzzle. He loves Sesame Street, and will sign "more" and point to the TV about 5 minutes before he knows an episode is to end. He is trying to talk, mostly "mama, dada, dog, ball, MELMO, no, uh oh, yeah" etc. Grey knows everything you say to him, and even follows 2 step commands (when he feels like it). He will show you all his body parts you ask him, point to objects in a book... but talking, he just isn't there yet. One of the neonatologists that we saw at the March of Dimes walk this year told us that they "Won't go to Kindergarten NOT talking". Thanks Bin Saad! Makes me realize I just need to relax. The child was in the NICU in organ failure for 157 days. All things considered, he's a superstar!
Above is Grey in the playhouse, and also at Ft. Harrison State Park. They have a great toddler playground area. The kids loved it.
Owen continues to be the largest of our crew. I cannot remember if we got the flu that almost brought our house down.... before or after I blogged last time. But, we had a terrible flu everyone vomiting, and Grey had horrible diarrhea. We literally were stacking blankets, and bedding out in the garage until we could get the wash all caught up. Owen fared the worst I feel out of this, and during this time he stopped sleeping through the night. Rightfully so, we understood... And, really since then when I think back, he hasn't slept well. He went to the allergist this week, and we started some Singulair, and Allegra. It is definitely helping his random, atopic rashes that he gets, but has not helped his sleeping. I watched him sleep the other night, and noted what I thought was reflux, and this too is what the allergist suggested we look into. So, I'll continue to watch him, and see if that is something that we need to follow up on. It hasn't affected his weight, or growth. However, he is fairly short tempered, impatient, and is easy to get worked up these days.... I think he takes after Todd....LOL! He is talking a lot more since he has gotten his tubes. He too loves his Sesame Street, and also continues to point out Baaaaaaaalllllll, and Birrrrrrrrrrrrrd. He has recently taken to pushing the mop when we go on walks in the neighborhood. So, if you live in the Indianapolis area, and would like your sidewalk mopped, please call us. Owen would love to be of service. I will have to get a picture of this, as it is a common occurrence, but I'm guessing won't last forever. (We hope) He still enjoys his silky/soft blankets, increasingly likes cars, and making sounds etc. He will bring you the same book to read about 60 times a day. Sometimes they disappear, however it doesn't phase him. The many faces of Owen never ceases to amaze me. Here is one, he does alot when he is running.... it cracks me up! Owen also really enjoys pulling the wagon with Lilly and Grey in it!
Lillian continues to be quite the character. She is our talker, and our non-naptaker. She doesn't really believe she needs a nap. She is the care taker of the boys, and quick to try to soothe them if they are upset. She is the first to point out "ou-weeee's" and will point to every scratch or speck on your skin. She then will wipe over it, and that really means that she would like to put medicine on it. You will soon know that her is intent, as she will not stop pointing and wiping her skin until you do something about it. She is our dancer. She loves her some MELMO, and likes to watch, and wait for any opportunity to dance. She is a technology hoarder. She has about 3 old cell phones in her crib currently, and she will nearly attack you for your phone, laptop, or iPad! She hums and sings. She has started piling toys on top of either Todd or I in the evening. I think that she is trying to be helpful and pick up the toys, however, she will bury us in toys for about 30 minutes until we cannot move, and then gets frustrated when you move and they fall off. We need to transition that energy toward putting the toys in the toybox! She is gets the most pink when she is outside, we always think she is sun burnt but she just gets really red faced when she is active outside. She is the only one that doesn't get upset when we have to lather them in sunscreen constantly.
We have a few things going on in the next month. Todd's birthday is May 21st. We will be having dinner and a movie! YAY!! Of course, their birthday. This birthday party will be low key compared to last year. Sesame Street themed is a no-brainer! I am hoping this month will be without any illness, besides teeth and the norm.
So cute! A good playground is a good investment. Those kids are going to have such fun with that thing. It's amazing to see the, getting so big and thriving. And max wasa a singleton and he didn't talk till two. No one could understand him once he did. Now he never shuts up. Never. Love u guys.