Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ode to my brother Troy
This weekend my brother is getting married in Ft. Wayne. I’d like to say a few words since I am not the best man…. ;)
Lillian is in the wedding as a flower girl. I take no responsibility for her actions, she is 2. Let’s hope for the best, and pray that she likes her co-flowergirl! Now that I got that out of the way…..
Let me tell you a little about my brother via my prospective. Troy is a very bright boy, always has been. For about 2 years he had legs that were 6 inches long… no joke. I can say that my brother and I are likely “closer” than my sister and I. Although that changes at times. Tyann, my sister would say that Troy and her are closer as well. Troy and I are 8 years apart in age, and I think that is why we are closer. We have nothing, yet so much in common.
Troy and I have a lot of personality traits in common. We both care way too much for and about people, and can let our emotions get in our way. We both think before we speak, yet still say what we know we should not…. (although, I have matured out of this bad habit a bit, it caused way too much turmoil for me). We both played sports, and enjoy them. We both care way too much about what others think of us, again… I too have matured a bit more than he has had the opportunity to do yet.
I am so fortunate to have my brother and sister…. Really we take this for granted, and Todd reminds me of this, as he no longer has his beloved brother Travis.
Troy and I have been through our ups and downs. He has watched me go through things perhaps he didn’t understand professionally, personally, and in relationships. And I have done the same for him.
I have watched him grow up, from this little boy… to a man, getting married. It’s unbelievable. My hope for you and Jessica is this Troy…. Be mindful of each other, take care of each other. As you already know, but be sure to keep in mind along the way… it isn’t always perfect, nor will anything be Cleaver-like EVER. Have fun before you settle down and have kids. And, when deciding on how many kids to have, leave the 0.6 off of the 2.6 average each American family has. Stick with 2 ;). Lol! Be good with your money. Love each other. Communicate. Pray.
I love you both. Be good to each other. Treat each other like you are all each other has. Don’t quit, don’t give up. Marriage sometimes sucks, don’t let anyone tell you anything different. It’s work. But just know when it becomes more work than it is love or happiness, then you know, you have some real work to do!
Best wishes Jessica and Troy!
Friday, October 5, 2012
A Fungus Among Us, literally
Well, Grey’s procedure went well last week. He got new
tubes, cultures, and ear washings. His Picc line has been a pain, but a
necessary evil, and definitely less of a pain than his feeding tube that is for
sure. I cannot say that Grey has embraced his IV.He would like to think that it
is invisible, and when it has to be flushed, or the antibiotic is hooked up,
you literally have to tackle him and hold him down. Today was the first picc
line dressing change, and that was…. Less than fun.
Grey and his Picc line pictures. I try to tell him it's his airplane... here he is trying to make it fly.
Good news and bad news about the cultures from last week. The bacteria is gone. So staph, and e-coli, gone. Super. But, yes… you guessed it, he has aspergillus in both ears. That of course is a fungus. Being that there is no fda approved antifungal ear drop for people that have holes in their ear drums (tubes), we are left trying to be innovative. I cannot even go into the exhaustive story about how we got to this place, but we will go tomorrow to have some antifungal powder blown into his ear by his ENT NP, and that will last for 3 days. After that, we may end up doing some over the counter lotramin solution. Then it’s back to see ENT, and Inf Disease md next week. We will continue to do the IV antibiotics until we know that the ears are dry, and the fungus is under control. I feel like, for the first time, we have the right team on the case. I am encouraged, because for the first time, I think I have heard Grey jabber, and babble more, and try to make words, and sounds more today and yesterday than he has ever made. There was a cup dropped in the kitchen today on the ceramic tile, and it startled him so much, he cried and covered his ears. I sincerely don’t think he heard much of that stuff before. Again, he heard enough to follow commands etc, but not enough to try to annunciate, and communicate effectively for his age. On the other hand, I feel like this kid is a ticking time bomb… little fungal balls sitting in his middle ear, just waiting to migrate to his central nervous system. Oh, if only I wasn’t a nurse.
Todd and I ended up delaying our Cabo trip until February….
Sigh. That is all I can say about it without being tearful ;)
Lilly and Owen are doing super. Preschool/Daycare is going
great for all of them. Owen had a fearful time, and cried during drop-offs; but
not anymore. They all wave, and we are on our way. Lilly is our little social
butterfly. She likes to see her friends, and rock the baby dolls. Grey likes
all the different toys. I think Owen likes to be the observer. He definitely
likes the outdoor toys, but is a people watcher for sure!
I think they may potty-train themselves if we don’t get
onboard soon. They are currently telling us “pobby” and disrobing, and taking
their diaper off, and each time, or darn near each time, they will go to the
use the toilet appropriately. Urgh. Seriously, just not geared up for training
yet. But, they may leave us in the dust.
Allow me to jump back on my soapbox again. Hoping this will
be the last time for a while… or nobody will read… lol.
Sooooo, the Colts coach Chuck Pagano is sick. He has
leukemia. Turns out, new diagnosis, and a pretty favorable leukemia if there is
such a thing. The news for the last 3
days has been “showing support” and the players have been at the Simon cancer
pavilion, and, they installed the NFL network into his hospital room so he
could watch the games. In fact, they are
leaving the light on in his office until he returns. Great. The second story on
the news website tonight is about 560 patients that received a medicine that
was tampered with, and one person has already come down with fungal meningitis.
Over a 20% mortality rate… that would be for just taking a medicine…
unknowingly… Look, I hope that Mr. Pagano does well. He seems like a nice man.
Seems like a good guy. But not every person that gets the diagnosis of leukemia
gets a 2 hour long press conference on every local channel, and the whole city
rallying around them, having t-shirts with their names printed on them, fan
mail, care packages, and their co-workers (pro athletes) visiting the hospital
to brighten the days of the patients. I hope that all of this brings awareness
to Leukemia, illness both young and old for those sitting in their Colt’s box
office even when it doesn’t affect one of their own; even when it doesn’t get
publicity by the local news, or their agent asks them to, or “make a wish”
contacts them. Don’t get me wrong, I could care less if I was sick, and a
celebrity came to my room to say “Get Well”. Ask Brooke Schaefer. When I am
sick, I have a few choice words for anyone that will listen… (Todd may enjoy a
celebrity visit though J).
AND, when my kids are sick, I am even worse. Ask any St. Vincent Women’s
anesthesiologist…. I don’t’ have a good record with them. But, really. I find all of it annoying. How
about a spotlight on a single parent trying to take care of a sick kid, or a
spotlight on how most people can’t have their famous boss get them into the
cancer center the next day to see the oncologist, and have to wait for a few
weeks with anxiety… you get my point. I hope Chuck gets better soon, but not
because the Colts will benefit, or it will affect me personally…. But, because
he is human, and he puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you and I,
and I don’t want to see him nor his family in pain. Maybe, just maybe I know
too much about how it worked in transplant at “that” facility, and I know that
doctors and executive management teams are just salivating to get those VIPs in
asap. Urgh… Good Luck Chuck… But also, good luck to those that are up on the
BMT floor fighting for their lives too.
Off my soapbox.
Here are some pics from the last month or so.
This is Owen at the Fishers Fall Festival
Lilly with her beloved balloon at the festival
Grey with this war wounds(thanks to Owen), at the festival.
All 3 at Ft. Harrison, we had what Todd calls a "Ladybug picnic". (Sesame Street Reference)
Rare to capture all 3... they were running... HARD, they slept very well.
Lilly and Owen liked the leaves, Grey... not so much. Grey was too busy on the move exploring.
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