We had a great Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
I was actually sick for Thanksgiving, and Todd tore his bicep tendon right before Christmas, and had surgery on the Dec. 22nd, so, I guess it was eventful for both. After blisters from a surgery prep allergy, and hives from the treatment of the surgery prep allergy... Todd is just now getting back to normal after his bicep tendon rupture. Todd is not usually the one sick, so when he is, it's not easy on this household!
The kids had a good Christmas. We tried to not go overboard since we are moving early May-ish. They got a lot of Lego's, and the really enjoyed some fake snowballs that we got from their great-aunt. Another favorite is some battery operated bugs that they like to build Lego houses for. They are quite creative.
Grey is doing well. We are still watching his ears, here and there, but his latest set of labs, show a lagging immune-system, but it's on the low end of normal. He seems to be catching up to where he needs to be. Our battles with Grey are 1. getting potty-trained, 2. getting rid of his pacifier. In that order. First of all, I have never seen a child so lack-luster on getting potty-trained. He just DOES NOT care. I thought that he would be persuaded by peer pressure. We will NOT have to worry about Grey and peer pressure in the future, because, he does NOT care. He is in his own little world, and he doesn't care what you think. Quite evident. I started today rewarding him for staying dry in his big boys, which I did not have to do for Lilly and Owen, and he did quite well, until he locked himself in his bedroom, and panicked until I could get a screwdriver to unlock his door. We will keep working. He has lost his "diegos" which are the Pamper pull-ups, he thinks they are cool. He is now getting generic pullups. I hope they are even uncomfortable. He can have his Diegos at night. The pacifier, will not go with us to the new home. We have tried to prep him for this, but... we may just have to go cold turkey. I've seen him in the middle of the night when I've gone to cover him up sucking his thumb when he doesn't have his paci, and that is not something I want to start either. Grey has to be the easiest to entertain of the 3. He often giggles at the TV, and looks at the other 2, like,"WHAT, that was funny?" He has the best little personality, so silly, and such a creature of habit. He continues to be our best sleeper. Thankfully! He still says his favorite color is orange, and he loves playing Lego's, as well as his hot wheels cars. He also likes to draw and color. He will eat nearly anything.
Owen continues to be quite the daddy's boy. He loves his daddy! He does very well in school. He will recite the Pledge of Allegiance, prayers, he answers the TV with everything... and He told Todd the other day that "God will forgive all of your sins." Priceless. He remains a big boy. In solid 5T. 49lbs, and I have seen how tall he is lately. Size 13 shoe. He has the biggest heart, but can be the biggest bully. He continues to say that his favorite color is red. He likes Lego's, and cars as well. He still loves his "bb's" which are his 2 blue blankets that he sleeps with nightly. And, he really prefers to sleep in our bed with Todd. He has no issues telling me either, "Mom, please move over so I have room, you can go sleep in my room...". Because we've been tired, we've just done what works. We regret that. He loves to run, and hide. I guess they all do, but especially him. He loves to play hide and seek. He also, likes to pretend he's a kitty. There is frequent meowing around here. He happens to probably be the pickiest eater. He prefers chicken nugs, and hot dogs. He still LOVES milk!
Lilly is also doing well. She had her tubes placed in November I believe. No infections since then. (Knock on wood)She still likes pink, loves to color, play with Lego's, and will join in on the cars with the boys every now and then. She likes playing with her dolls. They all like pretending to play house, and be different characters. She is still a momma's girl, and loves to sing. Currently, Katy Perry's song "Roar" is her favorite, she demands it when she hears something even similar. She, like the boys, like watching her Disney Junior shows, and some on Nick Jr. as well. She makes up songs all the time, and for whatever reason, she calls me "Sumee" , like (SUM and a long E sound) Weirdest thing. But she constantly calls me Sumee. She also has been a picky eater. Not as bad as Owen though.
Our house hole was dug right before the new year... and well, that is where we still are. It has been so cold, and snowy (Because we are building a house)... that they haven't been able to do anything. Which is fine. Our house is not on the market yet. We really are in no hurry, other than the anxiety, and excitement of seeing what we have put together, come together.
Todd's job has been extremely busy, and my new job has also been very busy. I will be traveling a bit the next month or so. Of course, it's the coldest winter in 2 decades, and the 3rd snowiest in Indianapolis history (again, because we are building a house). We will just keep truckin along. We could not do what we do, without our family, that is for sure.
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