Well, they are now 4 months old.
The doctor appts went well last week. Owen was 12.5lbs, and Lilly was 9.5lbs. They are growing and progressing well.
Grey had his test this week... called a hida scan. It didn't yield the results we wanted. It didn't show any bile being dumped into the intestine. However, I talked to the liver doc today, and she still thinks that it is just TPN (iv nutrition) related injury to the liver. This should heal in time. His bilirubin went down yesterday... and the hope is that tomorrows numbers are also decreasing. The doctor was really upbeat and was pretty sure that all of this would just take time. I did do a "curbside consult" with a transplant surgeon I used to work with. His opinion is the utmost importance to me. He agreed with the plan to wait, and watch his numbers, and not do a biopsy or anything just yet. I am very happy about this, and feel more positive about it all. Grey is now on continuous feedings now, as he was having some significant diarrhea, likely related to the increased volume of feeds that he was on. So now, he just gets them continuous. This has helped a bit.
Today we took Lilly and Owen into the NICU, so that we could all see Grey, and also talk to the liver doctor when she got there. This weekend we also did some pictures for their 4 month "birthday".
Please continue to pray for Grey, his liver, and his intestines to heal and handle the feedings. He is doing well, but we really would like to get him home by Thanksgiving!
Here are some updated pics!
This is little happy Lilly! She was a little grumpy on our trip today... so no good pics from the NICU.
Here are the 4 month pics we took on Saturday.
Lilly and Grey
Love it! It was so nice to spend some time with all three of those shorties. Love those kids.