Owen always kept us on our toes in the NICU too. There were a few times that he needed to be "bagged" (putting the bag-mask to his face, and give him a few breaths like you see on tv...) because when he had reflux in the NICU, he would stop breathing. He slowly transitioned from looking like a little old man, to the "beefy" infant he is today. If 6.5lbs at over 2 months old is beefy... that is he! He was the first to really "take to" the bottle. Now he does a manuever that the NICU nurses called "sharking" the bottle, which really includes lifting his head with his mouth wide open to get to the nipple of the bottle. It's very funny.... he thinks he is constantly starving. He makes the funniest faces. In his 2 month pictures, I told Todd I thought he was dancing to the Madonna Vogue song... he does some weird things with his face and hands at the same time. He likes his swing, and is taking to the birp rags that we have used for him. I think he just might be a kid that really likes a blankey. When he gets really mad, he screams and it sounds like a little piglet. Just when you think you might be at wits end with him with his screaming, he will squeel like a pig... and well, you have to laugh! Owen also likes his pacifier. If he could keep it in his mouth better, that would be super! Owen likes to be awake from about 12am-3am every morning. Let's hope this changes!
Owen really reminds me of Todd's late brother Travis. Once you see baby pictures of them both... it is very evident they look alike. Owen reminds me of the exact reasons I wanted to have children of our own. I knew that the only way I could ever possibly give Todd a piece or a reminder of his brother back, would be if we had a child that looked or had mannerisms like his brother. I know typing that seems really weird, but truly that's how I feel, and of course that isn't the only reason we wanted kids.... but I remember Travis fondly, and I really wanted to keep remembering him. I think there will be pieces of each of the children that remind us of different people in both of our families, and that is joyful to me.
Grey is doing well. I was able to spend some time at the hospital with him alone today. I held him for about 2 hours, and he enjoyed that. We did some physical therapy while he was with me, and tolerated it quite well. I read to him, and he was awake for some of the time, which is nice to see. He is down quite a bit on his oxygen, which is great. We do have a date for his intestine to be put back together .... the week of Sept 6th.... which doesn't really satisfy me, but it'll have to do for now. His bilirubin did go up to 8, from 5... meaning his liver isn't really happy, but we knew that. It will recover, I'm just going to wait, and if it does get worse, we might have to have another discussion. We'll see. For now, I'm happy.
After bathes tonight, it was my daily bottle making session. 16 bottles are needed. (feeding 2 every 3 hours) 80ml (or cc's) each bottle x16 bottles = about 44 ounces, because 30cc=1 oz. Didn't realize you needed algebra to make feed babies did you? Well, I can never get the RIGHT amount in the bottles. We use the Dr. Brown's bottles, and the marking on the bottles is so light, and close together, it's hard to get the exact amount in the bottles. I also have a foam and bubble problem when I mix for 24 hours. But tonight, I started whisking it, and it turned out quite alright! This is all I need to make the bottles, and I wonder why I've had a hard time keeping things in the kitchen put away.
Neosure is the formula that we use, and we use about 1 can per day =$17.... wow.... wait til the Grey comes home on something like Elecare. Elecare is an amino acid formula (cause I will be out of breastmilk by then). The Elecare is easy for the gut to break down. Elecare is about $40 a can. I hope to become good friends with the Similac sales rep, in hopes we can get some to take home. I'll have to check with insurance too, and see if something can be worked out since it's a special formula for a medical reason... hmmm
Well, must go... it's about feeding time!
This is the million dollar stroller, that will fit Grey's carseat right where the diaper bag is. BUT, it is also worth a million dollars. I couldn't do trips without this stroller. We do draw a lot of attention. People saying, "OH, they are so little!", or "OH look at those twins..." sometimes I correct them and say little Grey is in the NICU, sometimes I just smile and keep walking. Depends if it's worth the conversation. This stroller has a steering wheel... no joke, it steers the front wheels. It's the best invention ever!
Upon arrival Grey was in his crib, resting. Then once there, (Todd was working on the computer in Grey's hospital room) we put together a photo session with the kids. Grey got to take some of his new formula thru a bottle. That was a great feeling to feed him, even if it was only about a teaspoon... he seemed to enjoy it.